Monday, March 2, 2009

Sacrificial Prayer

"I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." 2 Samuel 24:24

Intentional, sacrificial prayer has been on my heart for the past 2 weeks.  This is a new thing for me.  It's easy to pray as I walk to and from class, as I exercise, as I sit in the car, as I go about my day, and fit prayer into my schedule as I wish.  But where is the sacrifice involved in that when I conform the Lord to my schedule and find that convenience in my relationship with Him is enough?  Is He not a God that deserves to be glorified and honored?  To be sacrificed for?Giving up something to be completely and utterly alone with God is what I'm talking about.

What a merciful and loving Lord we have that we can seek His face throughout the activity of our day.  He is available to us at all times as we lift our hearts to Him.  As Wesley says, "Prayer continues in the desire of our heart, though the understanding be employed on outward things."  And yet this rich joy that the Lord has been gifting me with lately has come from going one step further and getting alone with Him, getting on my knees before Him, getting silent before Him, saying "no" to something else.  

David said, "I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing" and God answered his prayer on behalf of the land.  May we not merely offer God a half-hearted and convenient effort in seeking Him in prayer, but give that which costs us something and see our faithful Father move on our behalf. 


Mark Bennon said...

Amen Jody Lee, i'm freakin down with that.

Jerry Marshall said...

I know this is a really old post but this is exactly what I have been hearing from God this week in my quiet time. You can only go so far on yesterday's efforts. What got you this far is not what will take you take you to the next level in your walk with God.

Anonymous said...

